LatestPostgraduate Diplomas

Postgraduate Diploma in Manufacturing Management – UoC

Home » Management » Postgraduate Diploma in Manufacturing Management – UoC

Dead Line >> 2021.07.19

The University of Colombo, Faculty of Graduate Studies invites applications for a Postgraduate Diploma in Manufacturing Management (PGDip. MM) 2021/22 in Sri Lanka.

The postgraduate diploma is one year duration English medium program commencement on November 2021 in Sri Lanka.

The course is designed to impart an understanding of the structure and dynamics associated with sustainable competitiveness in manufacturing to suit the needs of industry practitioners. The Faculty is drawn from professionals and academics in the field of manufacturing management. The Teaching will be mainly based on industry applications and the case-study approach in addition to more traditional methods.

How Can You Apply ?

  1. Download the below Application Form.
  2. Prepare the required documents. (Certificates, Payment Slip)
  3. Send the completed application via e-mail (
  4. And also send through the registered post to the given address

Those who are unable to pay the application fee to the Bank, they can pay the application fee using the online payment (Pay Online) method of the University of Colombo.

For More Information >> Click Here

Source: FGS University of Colombo official website

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